
Dez 15

Unbewaffnetes MacBook in Israel erschossen

Die israelische Sicherheit hat jüngst keine Gnade mit einem unbewaffneten MacBook gezeigt. Am Flughafen wurde dieses kurzerhand erschossen. Dabei wurden Daten von Jahren zerstört, wie die Betroffene im Lilysussman’s Blog berichtet. Noch nie etwas von Time Machine gehört?

Der Originalton der Betroffenen hört sich tatsächlich verzweifelt an:

I went inside to check on my bag. I had left it unattended, where they instructed. It was still there so I went back outside.

Moments later a man came outside and introduced himself as the manager on duty. And then, “I’m sorry but we had to blow up your laptop. “

What….all my client case notes and testimony, writing, pictures, music and applications. Years of work. NO!!!! What?? Are you insane?? What were you thinking? THAT’S ALL MY WORK!?

After much yelling, crying and frantic phone dialing (don’t be alarmed if I called you repeatedly this morning), he took me outside to see the wreckage. It turned out it hadn’t been quite blown up, but rather shot through with three bullets. We were able to extract the hard drive, seemingly unscaved. Thank goodness.

Now I’m no bomb expert, but as far as I remember bombs are concentrations of explosives connected to some sort of detonation system. Safety first, and all, but this seems like someone didn’t quite want to waste an entire C4 charge on a wild goose chase and instead decided to play Rambo.

Backups. Und nie sein Gepäck unbeaufsichtigt lassen. Das lernen wir aus dieser Geschichte. Und wer nach Israel fliegt, sollte sein MacBook ohnehin nie aus der Hand geben. Und was meint die Betroffene dazu?

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Autor/in: Frank Marent

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